Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Global-Warming Judicial Activism

Global-Warming Judicial Activism
By Thomas Brewton
Congress and the Copenhagen convocation having failed to impose draconian measures to please advocates of man-made global warming, liberal-progressives are reverting to the courts for an end-run around the will of the people.

Liberal-progressives have been thwarted by the world’s growing awareness (1) that the threat of man-made global warming is a fraudulent scam, and (2) that the economic costs of action demanded by secular religious fanatics are staggeringly high and far beyond any reasonable cost-benefit ratio. In a desperate attempt to impose the one-world-government vision of a small band of “scientists,” liberal-progressives are now turning to judicial activism.
Judicial activism is an innovation developed by the ACLU’s Roger Baldwin in the 1920s, originally for a somewhat different purpose. Working through the Harvard Law School, Baldwin promoted a radically new interpretation of the Bill of Rights. The intent was to manipulate the Constitution to make it destroy itself.
A constitution is intended to reflect the most fundamental values of a society, to embody that society’s moral principles. The ACLU’s game plan was to change public perception of the Constitution as a protection of individuals’ rights against arbitrary government power and majority sentiment into a license for radical subversives to do anything they wished to undermine the Constitution.
In every generation when concerned citizens denounced the liberal jihad, liberal-progressive-socialists have skillfully used propaganda to make objections look like efforts to stop the right of free speech. Liberals called it Red-Baiting in the 1920s, Black-Listing in the 1940s, and McCarthyism in the 1950s. In today’s global-warming hysteria, with consummate PR skill liberal-progressives label questions and objections as scientific ignorance, despite the evidence that the basis for their religious faith in man-made global warming is a body of manipulated, distorted, and cherry-picked data.
Public outrage in the 1920s was no more unwarranted than today’s growing outcry against global-warming hype. In the 1920s, the public had been battered by waves of bombings and assassination attempts by anarcho-socialists after World War I. Most notoriously, in 1920, liberal activists planted dynamite in a wagon outside the Wall Street headquarters of J. P. Morgan, timed to detonate shortly after noon, in order to kill the maximum possible number of people on the street for lunch hour. With shrapnel tearing through the packed sidewalk crowds, 38 people were killed and some 300 wounded.
Such atrocities, along with secular religious belief in man-made global warming, are what liberal-progressives proudly regard as their efforts to perfect humanity.

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