Sunday, August 9, 2009

Obama Honors Hater of US And Israel

Obama To Bestow Highest Award on An Anti-Semite
Mary Robinson is an anti-Semite who used her position at the United Nations to de-legitimize the Jewish State and give aid and comfort to Israel's enemies who want to destroy the State of Israel.

Mary Robinson used her exalted United Nations position to spearhead the anti-Semitic love fest called Durban I. Marty Peretz of the left of center New Republic describes Mary Robinson this way:

She was the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights when the commission began to specialize in the practice of supporting governmental repression and calling it freedom--as, frankly, Obama has done with the burqa, also in Cairo. But Robinson's biggest role on the world stage was as chair of the 2001 World Conference Against Racism in Durban. She planned it, she mostly ran it and she is responsible for that Witch's Sabbath of hate against both Israel and America, actually the west and western values in general and in particular. Since then, she has been doing the time-consuming NGO thing, talking mostly to one another and soliciting grants from American foundations.

Robinson's record of hatred for Israel, Jews, The United States, and her support for some of the vilest nations on earth is documented. Noted scholar Michael Rubin points to Robinson's robust support for violence and terrorism against Israel and the civilized world. Rubin writes:

The biggest issue for me, however, hanging over Robinson's selection is her stewardship of the UN Human Rights Commission in 2002. At the April 2002 session, the commission voted (and passed) a resolution endorsing "all available means, including armed struggle" to establish a Palestinian state. Put aside whatever one thinks about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. International law bases itself on precedent, and the UN Human Rights Commission chose specifically not to exempt suicide bombing--a plague of which had erupted in 2001-2002--from "all available means." While the question on Robinson's agenda may have involved Israel and Palestine, the answer was just as relevant to Sri Lanka, Great Britain, Pakistan, and Lebanon. This is why Canada, Britain, and Germany voted against the measure. Basically, under Robinson's stewardship, the commission decided to recognize the
murder of non-combatant men, women, and children on buses and in cafés as legal.

As we said earlier, Robinson's sins are many. UN Watch documents her top 10. But the question her record raises is why is President Obama honoring this troublesome enemy of Jews and the civilized world? When the blogosphere and some Jewish organizations began criticizing Obama for choosing Robinson, the White House responded by saying the President did not agree with all her views but wanted to recognize her work for women's rights.That is clearly a lame excuse. Professor Rubin does a fine job exposing the lameness of this line. And if you look at the initial White House announcement she is primarily being honored for the official work she did during the time of Durban.

If criticism of this choice continues do not be surprised if the White House tries to spin that the President did not select Robinson, someone else did. Well the announcement was made in President Obama's name and remember the immortal words of President Harry Truman:


If you are as outraged as we are, please contact the President and tell him that he should not give Mary Robinson our nation's highest civilian award. Act today. Tell family and friends.

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