Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama Wants Total Government Control Over Health Care

Obama Wants Total Government Control Over Health Care, Says Conservative Leader Phyllis Schlafly
By Edwin Mora

President Barack Obama did not have a “real job” prior to entering politics other than as a community organizer, an experience he is now using to deceive Americans into accepting a new government-run health care system, said Phyllis Schlafly at a National Press Club luncheon on Monday where she received a lifetime achievement award.

“I think we would be better off if we defeated the whole thing [health care bill] that is proposed,” said Schlafly, a major conservative leader since the early 1960s. “Then, if there is some particular remedy that we can work on, we can try that.”

“But everything Obama is promoting on the health care industry is bad, is government control, which is what he wants,” she said. “You know he never had a real job before he got in politics.”

“He was a community organizer -- and this is a process of making people believe that they live in an unjust and discriminatory society and they should organize to protest and demand to take money away from the taxpayers,” she said.

Schlafly also noted that many Americans do not pay taxes and therefore Obama’s plan should be eradicated.

“One of the big problems we face is that now about half of the people do not pay income tax” she said. “So his plan is to take money away from the taxpayers and give it to the non-taxpayers and I think we have to call him on every term. I am hopeful that we can defeat the health care bill.”

The Clare Booth Luce Policy Institute (CBLPI), an organization that focuses on promoting young conservative women leaders, honored Schlafly with its first lifetime achievement award for her numerous contributions to the conservative movement.

“[T]his year our recipient has such a long, amazing record that we felt Woman of the Year just didn’t cover it,” said Michelle Easton, president and founder of the CBLPI.

“So today we are honored to present Phyllis Schlafly with our first ever Clare Booth Luce Lifetime Achievement Award,” said Easton.

The honoree is a renowned author of several books, including the 1964 best seller A Choice, Not an Echo.

She is also an activist for the conservative movement who is sometimes referred to as the “First Lady” of conservatism. In addition, she is a constitutional attorney who has taken positions that include opposition to the Equal Rights Amendment and to the pro-abortion policies of radical feminists.

Schlafly founded the Eagle Forum, a conservative group that promotes limited government, traditional morality and self-reliance. Schlafly also writes a nationally syndicated column and hosts a talk radio show.

During her remarks at the National Press Club, she called on young people to join the conservative movement and engage in grassroots initiatives.

“I want to address my remarks today particularly to the young people because we need you, we need you to restore the America that we have known,” she said. “You need to find your place in the conservative movement.”

She later said that young conservatives “can organize and take on all the powers that be and defeat them -- and that is the lesson.”

Schlafly described the Democrats’ attempt to overhaul health care in the United States as nationalism that will fund abortions and cut off those senior citizens with costly health requirements or who need expensive treatment.

“It is a government takeover of the tremendous health care industry, it is complete paying for abortion-on-demand -- anytime, anyplace,” said Schlafly. “We have recently learned about these counseling sessions they’re going to give the old people and basically they are sessions of, ‘Why don’t you hurry up and die? Take a pain killer because you’re costing us too much money.’”

Schlafly said that those who think a government takeover of the current health system will reduce costs are delirious, adding that a fully nationalized system should not be an option.

“Anybody who thinks that health care is going to cost less if the government runs it must believe in the tooth fairy,” she said. “It isn’t going to happen and the idea of letting the government run all of our healthcare industry is simply unacceptable.”

Lately, opponents of Obama’s government-run plan have challenged their congressional representative or senator at town hall meetings. Democrats and Obama administration officials are using the August recess to lobby their constituents to support the Democrats’ health care reform plans.
Given the publicity generated by the boisterous town hall meetings, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) co-wrote a commentary, published in USA Today, which described the tough questioning by opponents of the Democrats’ plan as “simply un-American.”

Concerning Pelosi’s and Hoyer’s comments, Schlafly said: “I think that Nancy Pelosi and the Obama friends are simply resorting to name calling. They don’t have any good arguments.”

“The American people are declining in support of the Obama health care plan,” said Schlafly. “They’re losing every day and so they’re resorting to name calling.”

Regarding the sometimes tempermental town hall gatherings, Schlafly said, “Well, I do urge people to attend the town meetings. I think that’s a way to get to know your congressman, and I hope it’s going to be safe to go to them in the future.”

Schlafly added, “We had this experience in St. Louis where they beat up this poor guy who was just passing out American flags.”

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